Sunday, August 12, 2012

medium term goals.

So yesterday was supposed to be my grind day. Had some family stuff going on so I hit it today. And ill just continue on with the first day being grinds and the second being ballistics.

My medium term goal is the HKC certification. So ill be tested and able to teach the tgu, goblet squat, pull/chin ups, and the swing. So I'm going to be dividing grinds and ballistics still. So grind day is tgu, goblet squat, and chin up. And ballistics being swings.

So today's workout...

Warm up.
Tgu 1L/1R 16kg
Partial tgu 1L/1R 20kg.
Stretching the hip flexors in between.

Tgu 5min. singles 5x1 5L/5R 24kg.
Rest 5min.
Mini circuit
3 C&P 20kg
2 chin ups
3 goblet squats 16 kg.
     Resting 5min in between repeating once.
I'm still trying to minimize hypertrophy by having long rest periods.

Felt great!

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