Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Back to the basics.

So I was concentrating on VWC and I started having very bad back pain. I posted on StrongFirst to see if it was common with snatches but not swings to have back pain, turns out its not supposed to hurt and its probably due to lack of t-spine mobility.
So what I'm going to do is take it back a few steps and work on the Program Minimum for a while. With consentrating on lots of mobility work and having an extra day of swings.

Today I started.
Mobiliy drills
Warm up
2 hand swings 16kg, 1min on, 1min off x 10min
Work sets
2hand swings 20kg, 30sec on, 30 sec off x 10 min
2hand swings alternating 24kg and 20kg, 30 sec on, 30 sec off x 10min.
500 swings