Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Program

Today I am going back to whats called the Program Minimum. Or rather a modified version there of. It's a simple protocol. Its alternating days of Kettlbell swings for 12 min and Turkish Get Up (TGU)for 5min.
So its supposed to look like this
Mon: Swing
Tues: TGU
Wed: off
Thurs: Swing
Fri: TGU
I know it doesnt look hard but believe me it is. I did This for 4 months and then I moved on to the next workout series the ROP.
Well I was doing What was called the Rite of Passage (ROP). And I started to Stagnate in my weight loss. So I'm trying to find an in between. Because the longer high-rep KB swings were really melting the fat off of me and I want that to continue.
So I'm doing a 3 day "split" Its
Day 1: Ballistics. Swings or Snatches. High reps.
Day 2: "grinds". Clean and Press (C&P), TGU, Goblet Squats, Windmills, ect. low reps heavy weight
Day 3: rest. go for a walk.
So in any given 7 day period I'm going to be working out 6 days a week.

So today I started with ballistics
Day 1:
24kg swing breathing ladders 1-20-1 35min
So a breathing ladder is where I'm doing 1 breath for every rep i preform. 1 swing, set the bell down, 1 breath. 2 reps, set the bell down, 2 breaths. Ect. all the way up to 20, and then back down to 1.
It has some great effects and its a great way to get some good volume in without having to lose any due to fatigue.
These are a better explanation of what i just said. anyway it works!

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