Sunday, July 15, 2012

First Post

So this is my journey to take Kettlebells as far as I possibly can. Along the way it's also a goal to drop body fat %, get some kettlebell certifications, and have fun.
If you don't know what a Kettlbell is, you probably stumbled upon my site by accident. But any way a kettlbell is a weighted tool it has been used in Russia for almost 300yrs. It started as a way to measure grain and other things. It eventually became a competition among the farmers to see who could lift the most and thus was born the Kettlebell.

This is my collection of bells. You will notice the different colors and sizes. I use primarily in my training the ones that are yellow, the purple, the bigger green ones and the orange one. Those are my steel Pro-grade bells. The dimensions are the same size but the weight is different. The Pro-grade bells are used in Kettlbell sport and so are pretty standardized.

There are plenty of Kettlebell organizations out there, but the one I started with and I have the best success with is the RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) It was the first Kettlbell certification organization here in the US. It was started by a Soviet born ex special forces physical fitness trainer named Pavel. His training methods and books have started me on my journey. They are a wealth of knowledge in physical culture. I also have been really inspired by Tracy Reifkind and her kettlebell swing odyssey.

Anyway I'm starting today chronicling my training and maybe it will help you.

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